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Fox News presenters mock female pilot who took part in campaign against Isis

Fox News presenters mock female pilot who took part in campaign against Isis

Hosts crack sexist jokes about UAE’s Major Mariam al-Mansouri, calling her ‘boobs on the ground’

Fox News presenters crack a series of sexist jokes about the UAE’s first female fighter pilot, Major Mariam al-Mansouri

Presenters on US cable channel Fox News cracked a series of sexist jokes after reporting that a female pilot from the UAE had taken part in a bombing mission of Isis targets in Syria, describing her as “boob”. …

About curi56

Fighting for justice means fighting for justice for all of us and not playing around with the colour of skin. Focus on justice. i am a scientist for educ./psychoanalysis/art - and frankly speaking a savant - discovered that I can do more with blogs & social networks for humans in shadow, children in shadow, animals in need et al - I have some more blogs, please, visit them p.e.: Curi56blog et al. I am glad to meet YOU here: Annamaria thank you Annamaria

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